Pola & Massa - Machines for PCBs surface preparation - Titolo sito CMS (EN)


Considering repeated requests coming from many countries where Pola e Massa does not have a stable organization, the company is continuously interested in selecting suitable Partners for distribution and service agreements.

The company is looking for Partners passionate of their job and interested in becoming an authorized distributor at country/regional level to increase their attractiveness in the market and strengthen Pola e Massa worldwide network. They must be able to:

  •  Manage and develop sales promotion and brand communication activities
  •  Support customer choices about equipment/service investments and advisory
  •  Take care of post sale processes

If your organization has mentioned features and you are interested in building up your future together with Pola e Massa do not hesitate to contact the Commercial Department to find out upcoming business opportunities.

e-mail: sales@polaemassa.com
Tel. +39 0143 83.77.11
Fax +39 0143 800.12