Pola & Massa - Machines for PCBs surface preparation -



A cleaver approach in using technologies, to improve and control industrial processes, is able to generate several positive effects to get:

  • Optimal control of production
  • Better working conditions for workers
  • Higher product quality (conformity and homogeneity to technical requirements)
  • Productivity growth
  • Flexibility of organizational structures
  • Costs savings
  • Staff qualification and more comfortable working environments supporting activities that can usually be:
                     - Repetitive (alienating for workers)
                     - Hazardous (harsh production environments)
                     - Complex (ordered sequence of operations)
                     - At high accuracy goals
                     - At relevant cleanliness requirements

After many years in managing these issues, Pola e Massa is able to provide different types of automation equipment to manage sheet metal parts or other 2D materials during industrial processes.

In order to select your own equipment, able to perfectly meet your needs, do not hesitate to contact Pola e Massa engineers.

e-mail: sales@polaemassa.com
Tel. +39 0143 83.77.11
Fax +39 0143 800.12